In traditional yoga practices Headstand is an inverted posture taught in seven different forms. Headstand is the king of yoga poses. How To Headstand There Is Not Just One Way To Do A Pose Just Because One Teacher Tells You To Do It One Way Doe Yoga Handstand Headstand Yoga Learn Yoga A headstand is a type of inversion method which studies have shown can help reduce back pain and even reduce the need for surgery in patients with lumbar disease. Headstand Learn . This video will teach you as a beginner how to get into a yoga headstand. Often called the king of the asanas Headstand is an excellent inversion to add to your practice. Measure your elbows and place elbows onto mat2. Headstands can be a valuable addition to your yoga practice. The outer edge of your hands wrists forearms and elbows will be your only foundation for headstand Place the crown of your head on the floor with the back of your head against your hands. As you can see in the video you can do lots of cool ...